I take my son to the neighbourhood park almost every single day. I’ve figured out some amazing ways to keep us entertained there and enjoy the great outdoors for an afternoon. Hopefully you will find some of these tips helpful.

I’ve outfitted our wagon with a few key items so we won’t forget some of the essentials whenever we head out.

When we get to the park, I lay out a tarp and secure it with some tent pegs. This is a great thing to do because we can set up our playmat even if the ground is slightly damp. It’s particularly important for our park too because of the geese that like to leave droppings all over the place.

My son likes to help set up the blanket that we lay down next. Here you can see him playing with the building block set . We only play with this style of blocks at the park and he’s always eager to build with them.

The pillow that keeps my son comfy on the ride, becomes a nice headrest for me as I read a book. Some days I only get to read a page or two as my son pulls me to play with him. That’s why I like to read non-fiction at the park. I keep a book in the bag and dip in and out of it with ease. It sometimes takes me a month or more to read this park book, but I don’t mind.

I also pack a pencil case as a sort of mini diaper bag. There is a diaper in a bag that can be used to throw it out afterwards. A small baggie with wipes and some hand sanitizer can sure come in handy. And for good measure, I stuffed an extra pair of socks and some sunscreen too.
I love our blanket time and it is often the best part of our day together.
If you don’t have a park nearby, you can try having blanket time in your own yard or even at the beach.